Tuesday, May 11, 2010


a collection of cells on a single page.


A spreadsheet file.


A group of cell the you select


When you combine the data in two cells.

Header row

The gray column with numbers that identify the rows.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Lines that divide each cell in a spreadsheet.


Filling a blank cell with information.

fill handle

http://www.theexceladdict.com/images/fill_handle_right_drag.jpg The small black box at the bottom of the other small box call active cell.

Descending Order

The order that information is sorted (highest to lowest).

Cell Reference

An identification to the location of a cell.

Ascending Order

The order that information is sorted from the smallest to the biggest

active cell

A cell in a spreadsheet that is open to add data.


a bunch of pictures in one page that you could see at the same time.


a book with definitions of synonyms.


is something the has to do with a pattern of reference.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


A character that is a little above the line of text like a small little number.


A set of instructions for formatting.

Sizing Handles

four little dots that allow you to drag to change the size of the picture to whatever fits better for you.


lines or a text in top of the document the you are typing.

Hard Column Break

To have a space before each paragraph like a TAB http://it.usu.edu/tutorials/images/uploads/How_to_Insert_Breaks_into_a_Document__such_as_a_page_break_/media_1242761408700.png


Pictures or graphs in essay or document the you are typing. http://www.zwani.com/graphics/welcome/images/30tndyo.gif

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Lines of a sentence that are added to the bottom of the document.


A text note that is inserted on the bottom of a document.


http://www.gtpcc.org/gtpcc/endnote9.gifA text note that you put on the bottom of a document.

Drawng Objects

http://img.brothersoft.com/screenshots/softimage/d/drawing_objects-64339-3.jpegwhen you draw your own drawing on a document

Drawng canvas

The border when you want to insert a drawing.

Desktop Publishing

Using a computer to create a professional document.


when you cut off the side of an image.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

clip art

is a drawing that you get from an insert and you clip it to your document.

clip art

is a drawing that you get from an insert and you clip it to your document.


a headline extending across an artword that has 4 points one in each conner that you could move to make it bigger or smaller.

Monday, April 26, 2010

10 steps Coffee Algorithm

1: Buy the beans of your choice

2: Grind the beans

3: Put a coffee filter in the filter basket

4: Measure out the coffee grounds

5: Add a very small amount of salt to the grounds. so that beans don't taste bitter.

6: Put water depending the amount of coffee grounds you used

7:Pour cold water into the water basin in the coffee pot

8:Put the coffee pot back on the plate thingy the warms the pot

9:Wait for the coffee the coffee to be fully done (burn)

10:Get a cup pour coffee in it add suger to it if you want mix it and enjoy your coffee.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Do Now: 4.16.10

smart art
page number
text box
quick parts
word art
signature line
date & time
drop cap.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Cell: is one of that little boxes inside a big box that you could enter information inside those small boxes like shown in that picture.


Column: is a row that is going from up and down in a vertical way.


Row: a row is a line the is horizontal going from left to right.


Table: Is a chart like a big box with smaller boxes in it that you could put information inside that smaller boxes.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


1) 110000=
2) 101011=
3) 11111=
4) 56=
5) 192=
6) 512=

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Title bar

Is that first bar in that entire screen that's shows that name of the page that you are using.


Toolbar is a bar with different types of tools that you can use in different types of program like to change that font, color and so on.


iWindow is a new technology that turns your shop window into touch screem.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Utility Software

A software that helps to keep your computer good conditions.

User Interface

A program that controls the display on a monitor for the user to see what they are doing.

User Interface

A program that controls the display on a monitor for the user to see what they are doing.

User Interface

A program that controls the display on a monitor for the user to see what they are doing.

User Interface

A program that controls the display on a monitor for the user to see what they are doing.


A computer OS that was developed by Bell Laboratories and is mainly used for servers.

System Software

The software that is associated with the OS and any other utility programs to work together.

Software development

The set of activities that you perform that you have to do so you could create a program.

Operating System

The program responsible for carrying out the execution of other programs in the computer.

Network Operating System

An OS is designed to pass information between more than one computer on a network.


The simultaneous execution of programs that could allow you to have different websites, links, or programs at the same time.


Am working system that was developed by Bill Gates to use on computers.

Graphical User Interfaces

A computer interface that is based on graphics instead of text. You could get to it by using a mouse.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Applications Software

Is known like an App that helps you do things on a computer or phone.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Creates a logical progression of steps needed to accomplish a task.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What is a Software.

A software is some term for different kinds of programs that are use for a computer to work and related devices.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A bit es electrical signal that could be turn on and off. is that smallest information that a computer uses.

Computers can only understand numbers so this is a way for a computer to read character like @ or an action of some sort.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

That parts of a computer!

That parts of a computer are...

1- CD-Rom Drive
2- Power Supply
3- Heat Sink
4- Mother Board
5- Graphics Card
6- Hard Drive

That 5 types of computers are...

1- Desktop
2- Laptop
3- Personal Computer (PC)
4- Minicomputer
5- Supercomputer

Friday, February 5, 2010

My Expectations For Digital World Spring 2010

Aim: How to act in a computer lab?

What do you expect from your teacher, your peers yourself and the course.

I expect from Mrs. Ramirez to help me and like all of us equal and that she could help me and my peers to do better in this class, what i expect from this course is to be fun and easy and from my self i expect to get along with all ma classmates do all my work be in class in time and get a good grade every marking period, and from my peers i expect them to help me and get along with me.